Alberta Environmental Consulting Services
Our Environmental Consulting Services Include:
Poseidon’s aquatic biologists can help determine which species of fish are expected near your work and develop a plan to mitigate any risks to those fish and their habitat.
Fish habitat characteristics vary by region. Fish expected in the foothills such as Bull trout and Cutthroat trout occupy fast-flowing, cold, high-gradient streams. These defined channels often have rocky substrates and pools and riffles.
In the boreal, watercourses are warmer and have slower flows due to lower gradients which leads to less channel definition and often silty channel beds. There is a higher species diversity in these watercourses, and expected fish like Suckers, Pike and many minnows often turn up in unexpected places.
Our experienced QAES specialists can assist with your next project, minimizing impacts and risks during work around water. Our clients projects are well planned, executed, and compliant with all regulations.
Poseidon provides on-site construction services, which includes fish salvages, isolations, turbidity monitoring and general guidance. The goal is to minimize impacts and risks during work around water. Poseidon biologists use salvage methods such as fish herding, electrofishing and processing, and net installation to ensure aquatic species are safe from the work zone.
Poseidon’s aquatic biologists conduct stream crossing inspections in accordance with FSCP protocol.
Bird nest surveys are conducted based on the federal Migratory Birds Convention Act that provide protection for native bird species, their nests and young from disturbances or harm during breeding season. The purpose of bird nest sweeps is to confirm nest sites in areas where vegetation clearing is proposed i.e., harvesting for timber. A qualified biologist can conduct bird nest sweeps pre-harvest to mitigate risk to any native species.
Sedimentation occurs with disturbances to a watercourse and poses a risk to aquatic species. Poseidon biologists can provide on-site monitoring of watercourses during industry projects to ensure compliance with Best Management Practices. This consists of incrementally testing water for the duration of the works.
Take a Look At Some Of Our Recent Projects